Friday, 22 April 2016

Evening in Galle

Seagreen Guesthouse, the one on the right in the photo, was in an old Dutch colonial house. The Fort has a complicated history involving the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English, and even the Spanish. The guesthouse was sparsely decorated but had all the requisites.

It was dusk when I emerged from my nap and got darker quickly. Sunset is sudden in the tropics. This is Shri Sudharmalaya temple.

I encountered many gem shops in my wander of the old city. I was often taken for mainland Chinese as they now have the means to venture to every corner of the world. I used to be taken for Japanese.

I found the Lucky Fort restaurant that had the top rating on Tripadvisor. It was a simple family establishment with a few tables.

I was offered the 10 curry deal, usually for two, at 650 LKR. As you can see the portions are small but the variety large. The only meat in the selection was chicken. This was accompanied by a lassi for 375 LKR. It was a really delicious repast and the restaurant deserved its rank. 10% GST wasn't included in the price. Inclusion or not was inconsistent throughout Sri Lanka.

In case you are wondering what the curries were, here is the menu board.

Back at the guesthouse I repacked my backpack a little but was tired from the long day so went to bed early at 2030 Sri Lanka time which was 0100 back home. Sri Lanka time is the same as Indian time which is 5h30m ahead of UTC.

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